(Bloomberg) -- Vietnam Communist Party chief Nguyen Phu Trong has been hospitalized after becoming ill, with the party’s central committee canceling a meeting this week, according to multiple officials with knowledge of the matter.

Trong, 79, is in his third term as the party’s general secretary and is the nation’s most powerful figure. He was hospitalized earlier this week over an unspecified illness, according to two officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the matter is private. Bloomberg couldn’t immediately determine the seriousness of the illness.

Vietnam’s foreign ministry did not immediately reply to an email seeking comment.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo, who is currently in Vietnam, met with other top officials during his three-day visit but is not scheduled to meet Trong, according to a tentative schedule provided by Vietnam’s foreign ministry.

Trong’s waning health has been the topic of speculation for years, and one he’s addressed himself. He appeared to reluctantly take the top job when he was re-elected for a third term back in 2021, saying at the time he preferred to retire because, “I’m old and not in good health.”

He also appeared concerned about taking on the nation’s presidency in 2018, citing his “worrisome” old age and weakening health during an acceptance speech to the National Assembly.

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