(Bloomberg) -- Hungary expects more than 13,000 daily infections and about 200 daily deaths during the omicron-variant-fueled latest wave of the coronavirus pandemic in the eastern European Union nation, the country’s health chief told Inforadio.

The number of Covid-related hospitalized patients may peak at between 8,000 to 9,000 during the fifth wave in Hungary, which is expected to last until May, Human Resources Minister Miklos Kasler, who’s in charge of healthcare, said in an interview with Inforadio on Sunday. 

The estimates were made assuming no other variant emerges in the period and assumes no significant increase in the vaccination rate, he said. 

Hungary’s new daily Covid infections almost doubled in a week to 6,524 on Friday, while daily Covid-related deaths rose to 101 from 82 a week earlier. 

Hungary has had the world’s fourth-highest coronavirus deaths per capita since the pandemic’s outbreak, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.



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