(Bloomberg) -- Oil industry representatives will meet with Interior Secretary David Bernhardt, Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette and White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow Friday to discuss ways the Trump administration can help energy companies weather plummeting prices and demand, such as waiving royalty fees.

The teleconference with independent refiners and oil producers is set to follow a separate meeting at 3 p.m. between President Donald Trump and top oil industry executives at the White House. It was described by four people familiar with the matter who asked not to be named before a formal announcement. One of the issues set for discussion is waiving the payments made for oil and gas produced on federal lands and waters.

Potentially billions of dollars are at stake. The U.S. Treasury collected about $3.8 billion in royalty payments, rent and other fees from offshore oil producers in 2019, according to an Interior Department database. And onshore, companies pay a royalty rate of 12.5% for oil and natural gas under a rate established in 1920. The scope and duration of potential royalty relief was not clear Friday, though administration officials have been discussing the idea for weeks.

An Interior Department spokesperson said the meeting was arranged by the White House.

Oil companies plumbing the Gulf of Mexico, including Fieldwood Energy LLC, Arena Energy LP, Talos Energy and LLOG Exploration Co., have sought royalty waivers as well as lease extensions that would give them more time to ride the rout triggered by a price war between producers Russia and Saudi Arabia, exacerbated by the slump in demand tied to the coronavirus outbreak.

The Gulf of Mexico alone is responsible for about 15% of total U.S. crude production. Drilling advocates have warned that a wave of bankruptcies among the independent oil producers working on the Outer Continental Shelf could cause some production to be permanently shut in. Industry leaders have told the administration that if independents go out of business and permanently plug old wells and remove existing infrastructure, those sites are unlikely to ever be fully developed, said one of the people familiar with the matter.

Louisiana Senators Bill Cassidy and John Kennedy said they pressed Bernhardt to temporarily suspend offshore royalty payments. “Immediate and decisive action” is needed to protect the industry and “the national security interests of the United States,” they said in a separate letter to Trump on Thursday.

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