(Bloomberg) -- Waymo, the business created from Google’s self-driving car project, hired two executives for new positions ahead of a key milestone.

Amee Chande, a former Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. executive, will be Waymo’s first chief commercial officer as the Alphabet Inc. unit prepares to launch a limited paid driverless vehicle service in December.

Deborah Hersman, chairman of the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board from 2009 to 2014, will be chief safety officer.

Both women will report to Waymo Chief Executive Offer John Krafcik. Half of Waymo’s C-suite executives are now female.

“I’m proud to welcome two talented and experienced executives in the field of safety and business operations who will lead us into our next phase of growth,” said Krafcik in a blog post.

To contact the reporter on this story: Dana Hull in San Francisco at dhull12@bloomberg.net

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Craig Trudell at ctrudell1@bloomberg.net, Alistair Barr, Andrew Pollack

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