(Bloomberg) -- The White House dismissed Speaker Mike Johnson’s demand for direct talks with President Joe Biden to resolve an impasse over border security and Ukraine aid. 

Johnson insisted on personal negotiations with the president before he would allow a House vote on $95 billion bill in aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. The White House countered that Johnson’s position on immigration and foreign aid has repeatedly shifted, and thus a meeting with the president would be unproductive.

“What is there to negotiate? Really? Truly? What is the one-on-one negotiation about when he’s been presented with exactly what he asked for? So, he’s negotiating with himself. He’s killing bills on his own,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters. 

The standoff leaves the path unclear to getting Ukraine aid passed through the House, as Kyiv struggles to repel Russian invaders without fresh supplies of weapons and ammunition from the US. 

Johnson said Biden ought to negotiate directly with him over changes to immigration and border policies, which have led the House GOP to block war aid for Ukraine.

House Republicans have sought to turn back all migrants to Mexico, to fund a border wall and to curtail presidential power to protect large groups of migrants from deportation.

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump and House Republican leaders rejected a bipartisan Senate border compromise that would have made it harder for migrants crossing the US-Mexico border to apply for asylum. The measures would have allowed for the shutdown of border processing as long as current levels of migration continue. 

The speaker said he has made clear to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell that he will not allow a vote on the Ukraine aid bill that the Senate passed Tuesday, with 22 out of 49 Republicans voting in favor.

“The Republican-led House will not be jammed or forced into passing a foreign aid bill that was opposed by most Republican senators and does nothing to secure our own border,” Johnson told reporters. 

He said he has been asking Biden for a meeting for a month and has not been granted a one-on-one session and there are “a lot of ideas” in the House GOP conference for what a new border deal could look like.

--With assistance from Jonathan Tamari and Josh Wingrove.

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