(Bloomberg) -- Secretary of State Michael Pompeo issued an unusual statement Saturday attacking NPR reporter Mary Louise Kelly after a contentious interview with questions about Ukraine that she said ended with him unleashing an expletive-laced tirade.

Pompeo accused Kelly of lying to him “twice,” including while setting the interview up in December and by disclosing his alleged outburst following that conversation, which he said was “off the record.” He cited no evidence.

Kelly, in Friday’s interview, asked Pompeo about former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch, who was recalled from her role. Democrats say the diplomat was seen as an impediment to President Donald Trump’s demands that Ukraine investigate Democrat Joe Biden. A tape revealed this week appears to capture Trump saying “take her out.”

Pompeo has repeatedly refused to answer questions from reporters about his acquiescence in Trump’s decision to recall Yovanovitch, and has sidestepped questions about the reason for her removal, beyond saying the president lost confidence in her.

Blank Map

Kelly, the host of NPR’s All Things Considered, said that Pompeo’s aides agreed to questions on the topic ahead of time.

Following the interview at the State Department, Kelly said Pompeo summoned her to an adjacent room, where he shouted at her and used profanities for a time equal to the length of the interview itself.

He also asked his aides to bring out a blank map and demanded that the veteran reporter identify Ukraine. Kelly, who graduated from Harvard and has a masters degree in European studies from Cambridge University, said she did so accurately.

Pompeo seemed to suggest that she didn’t, in fact, point to the correct country: “It is worth noting that Bangladesh is NOT Ukraine,” Pompeo said in his statement.

The spat lit up social media, with the Twitter hashtags #Bangladesh, #Pompeo and #PompeoMeltdown trending on Saturday.

NPR didn’t immediately respond to a voicemail and email seeking comment.

To contact the reporter on this story: Katia Dmitrieva in Washington at edmitrieva1@bloomberg.net

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Scott Lanman at slanman@bloomberg.net, Ros Krasny, Kevin Whitelaw

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