(Bloomberg) --

Guinea appointed Lancine Conde as finance minister in the nation’s first cabinet since a military junta seized power at the start of September. Conde was formerly special adviser to the GIZ, a German development agency.

Moussa Cisse, who served as legal adviser at the finance ministry in ousted president Alpha Conde’s administration, was named budget minister, according to state broadcaster Radio Television Guineenne. Financial sector specialist at The World Bank, Mamoudou Nagnalen Barry, was appointed agriculture minister.

The junta has made several appointments since the Sept. 5 coup, including that of Mohamed Beavogui as prime minister. Beavogui, a former UN assistant secretary general, has yet to fill the key post of mining in the world’s top bauxite exporter. 

The latest nominations follow a visit to the West African nation by Jean-Claude Kassi Brou, president of the Ecowas economic bloc. He said he was satisfied with Guinea’s progress, after meeting with Interim President Mamadi Doumbouya, the army commander who led the coup, and Beavogui. 

Guinea has some of the world’s largest reserves of iron ore and bauxite, the main ingredient in aluminum. Doumbouya moved swiftly to reassure miners such as Russia’s United Co. Rusal and Aluminum Corp of China Ltd. that their operations would continue unhindered under his leadership. 

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