(Bloomberg) -- Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s campaign has quickly begun mocking President Donald Trump’s tax returns. Trump and Biden won’t shake hands at their debate Tuesday. And small donors have given more than $300 million since Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died.

There are 36 days until the election.

Other Developments:

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  • Biden Has Upper Hand Over Trump in Debate Expectations Game
  • Trump Says He’ll ‘Demand’ Biden Take Drug Test for Debate
  • Trump Campaign Aide Parscale Detained After Threat to Harm Self

Biden Campaign Mocks Trump on Tax Bill

The Biden campaign has started to close the mocking merchandise gap with Trump’s team.

Just hours after the New York Times reported Sunday that Trump paid nothing in income tax for 10 out of 15 years before he became president, the Biden campaign began selling three-inch circular vinyl stickers about it.

“I Paid More Income Taxes Than Donald Trump,” read the stickers, which are selling for $5.

Throughout the 2020 election cycle, the Trump campaign has been quick to mock Biden, Democrats and just liberals in general with merchandise designed to generate small-dollar donations and collect information on supporters.

When Starbucks and other chains switched to paper straws, the Trump campaign began selling Trump-branded plastic straws.

It also sells T-shirts that say “Peaceful Protester” to mock urban unrest, “You Ain’t Black” to mock a Biden gaffe and the all-purpose “Get Over It.” Another shirt features impeachment head Representative Adam Schiff with a pencil for a neck and a clown nose.

Trump Won’t Shake Hands at Debate, Again

Trump won’t shake hands with his opponent at the presidential debate Tuesday, but this time it won’t be solely by choice.

The Commission on Presidential Debates announced Sunday that the candidates won’t shake hands with each other or moderator Chris Wallace in order to minimize the risk of spreading coronavirus, according to CNN.

Trump and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton did not shake hands at the beginning of their second debate in 2016, a first in the history of televised debates, although they shook hands awkwardly at the end. At their third debate, they didn’t shake hands at all.

For their part, vice presidential candidates Mike Pence and Tim Kaine shook hands at their debate in 2016.

The coronavirus has affected the debate format in other ways. The audience will be reduced from as many as 1,200 at a normal debate to just 60 or 70, and there will not be the traditional “spin room” where campaign representatives make their case to reporters afterward.

Small Donors Gave More Than $300 Million Since Ginsburg’s Death

Small donors have given more than $300 million to Democratic candidates since Ginsburg’s Sept. 18 death.

Democratic fundraising platform ActBlue reported that the money has poured in since the death of Ginsburg, a beloved figure to many grassroots liberals.

The money is already transforming the landscape for congressional candidates, some of whom have gone from a shoestring to a few million in the bank with just weeks to go before Election Day.

That’s unnerved some Republicans. South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, who is in an unexpectedly tight race, went on Fox News last week to ask for money.

“They’re killing me, money-wise,” Graham said. “Help me.” -- Steven T. Dennis

Coming Up:

Biden and Trump will meet for the first presidential debate on Tuesday in Cleveland from 9 to 10:30 p.m. Eastern.

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