WHO’s Pandemic Declaration Came Too Late, Brazil Says

Mar 11, 2020


(Bloomberg) -- The World Health Organization was too slow in declaring the global coronavirus outbreak a pandemic, complicating authorities’ work to curb the spread of the virus, according to Brazil’s Health Minister Luiz Henrique Mandetta.

The pandemic declaration will allow health agents to direct anyone with symptoms of the illness to a health care unit, whereas before only people arriving from specific locations such as China would receive such treatment, he explained during a meeting with lawmakers in Brazil’s Congress.

“Now, in a manner that is even late, the WHO agrees with the Brazilian assessment that we are facing a pandemic,” Mandetta said, arguing that the world would have fewer cases today had the WHO made that call earlier.

Brazil currently has 52 confirmed cases of coronavirus, and zero fatalities. Most of them are in Sao Paulo state, Brazil’s wealthiest.

Open Borders

The Brazilian government has not ordered any limitations yet on the broader Brazilian population, and Mandetta has made clear that the government has no plans to limit entries to the country. Yet Brazil’s lower house of Congress issued a decree on Wednesday limiting the circulation of people in their building and the number of public hearings scheduled.

During his presentation, Mandetta reinforced the health ministry’s advice that people should avoid close proximity and wash their hands frequently. He also had a piece of advice for politicians.

“You really have to stop hugging and greeting, you have to use hand sanitizer,” Mandetta told them. “I feel sorry for those who are pre-campaigning for municipal elections.”

To contact the reporters on this story: Murilo Fagundes in Brasilia at mfagundes3@bloomberg.net;Simone Iglesias in Brasília at spiglesias@bloomberg.net

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Walter Brandimarte at wbrandimarte@bloomberg.net, Shannon Sims

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