Trump Slams Kentucky Derby, Says Best Horse Was Denied Victory

May 5, 2019


(Bloomberg) -- President Donald Trump weighed in on the disqualification of the Kentucky Derby’s first-place finisher, saying the ruling reflects an era of “political correctness.”

“The best horse did NOT win the Kentucky Derby -- not even close!” Trump said in his first Twitter post of the day. The decision after “a rough and tumble race” on a muddy track “was not a good one,” he said.

Maximum Security was the first winner to be disqualified for interference in the Derby’s 145-year history on Saturday, handing victory to 65-1 long shot Country House.

Maximum Security, ridden by jockey Luis Saez, impeded several horses as it swerved to the right in the lead while rounding a corner. Race stewards took 22 minutes to review the incident and make their decision.

Trump has a history of commenting on sporting events, from slamming the movement of NFL players to kneel during the national anthem as a protest against police brutality, to tweeting excitedly when golfer Tiger Woods was in contention for, and ultimately won, the Masters in April.

To contact the reporter on this story: Tony Czuczka in New York at

To contact the editors responsible for this story: James Ludden at, Ros Krasny

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