Trump Reverses Course on Plan for Nevada Nuclear Waste Dump

Feb 6, 2020


(Bloomberg) -- President Donald Trump is reversing course on his plan to construct a nuclear waste dump in Nevada, a key swing state where residents have bitterly opposed the project.

While Trump’s previous budgets have included funding for the nuclear repository about 90 miles south of Las Vegas, the administration’s spending blueprint to be released next week will include no money for the project, two senior administration officials said.

“Nevada, I hear you on Yucca Mountain and my Administration will respect you,” Trump said in a tweet on Thursday. “Congress and previous Administrations have long failed to find lasting solutions – my Administration is committed to exploring innovative approaches – I’m confident we can get it done!”

To contact the reporters on this story: Ari Natter in Washington at;Josh Wingrove in Washington at

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Jon Morgan at, Justin Blum, Joe Sobczyk

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