Qatari Emir to Visit Iran, Europe With Nuclear Talks in Limbo

May 9, 2022


(Bloomberg) -- Qatar’s ruler will visit Iran this week before traveling to Europe as part of a diplomatic push to revive faltering efforts to restore the 2015 nuclear deal and discuss selling more natural gas, according to a person briefed on the plans.

Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani’s trip dovetails with a European push to break the gridlock. Enrique Mora, the top negotiator for the European Union, is expected to meet with his Iranian counterpart Tuesday in an attempt to resolve “a few but important outstanding issues,” Nour News reported over the weekend.

A year of negotiations in Vienna stalled in March, with Tehran and Washington blaming each other. A key point of contention is the terrorist designation placed by the U.S. on the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, a branch of Iran’s military.

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A spokesman for Iran’s foreign ministry said earlier Monday that the Qatari ruler’s visit would focus on “bilateral ties, regional and international issues.” It comes after Iran’s central bank said it discussed with Qatar’s ambassador the Iranian funds frozen overseas due to U.S. sanctions. 

Qatari diplomats have been touting an increasingly visible role in diplomacy between the U.S. and Iran over recent months.

The European segment of Sheikh Tamim’s trip will include visits to Germany, the Swiss city of Davos, and the U.K., according to the person, who asked not to be named discussing private information. In addition to the Iranian nuclear deal, he’s also expected to address energy security and the market for liquefied natural gas, of which Qatar is one of the world’s top exporters. 

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The original nuclear accord concluded in 2015 limited Iran’s nuclear activities in exchange for relief from economic sanctions. Then U.S. President Donald Trump abandoned the deal in 2018. His successor, Joe Biden, has sought to revive it but Iran’s nuclear program has advanced rapidly in the interim, with officials warning that time is running out.   

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