Labour Slips But Stays Way Ahead of Conservatives, Poll of Polls Shows

Jul 2, 2024


(Bloomberg) -- Labour slipped to its worst rating of the UK’s general election campaign, with its lead over Rishi Sunak’s governing Conservatives also hitting a low for the period in Bloomberg’s poll of polls — but leader Keir Starmer nevertheless remains on course to win the keys to 10 Downing Street in Thursday’s vote.

Labour slipped to 40.5% on Tuesday, with the Tories gaining a fraction to 20.1%, according to Bloomberg’s composite, a rolling 14-day average using data from 11 polling companies stretching back to January 2021. Nigel Farage’s Reform UK party held at record 16.2%, while the Liberal Democrats are on their campaign high of 11.4%.

While both the opposition’s rating and its 20.4-point advantage over the Tories are the lowest they’ve been in the six-week campaign, the lead nevertheless looks unassailable with just two days to go until Britons head to the polling booths. Sunak’s surprise decision to call an early general election appears not to have paid off. Since he made the announcement on May 22, Labour’s yawning lead has narrowed by just a single percentage point.

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