Greg Newman, senior wealth advisor and portfolio manager, Newman Group, ScotiaMcLeod
FOCUS: North American equities and dividend stocks
Top Picks: Telus, Altagas, Brookfield Infrastructure Partners
Picking stocks always involves assumptions. Forecasting the direction of interest rates and earnings are one set of variables. Future government policies are another set. At present, this last one is most opaque.
What will the ultimate tariffs be? How long will they last? I believe the more likely outcome is that eventually “this too shall largely pass” for various reasons.
That said given the heightened uncertainty, higher valuations and fat tail risk, we are erring on the side of caution.
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Telus (T TSX)
Telus offers investors a decent growth rate at an attractive price while paying a high dividend.
AltaGas (ALA TSX)
Altagas offers investors a nice growth rate at an attractive price while paying a reasonable and growing dividend.
Brookfield Infrastructure Partners (BIP.UN TSX)
BIP.un offers investors a nice growth rate at an attractive price while paying an attractive and growing dividend.
T TSX | Y | Y | Y |
ALA TSX | Y | Y | Y |
BIP.UN TSX | Y | Y | Y |
PAST PICKS: MAY 15, 2024
Amazon (AMZN NASD)
- Then: US$185.99
- Now: US$194.15
- Return: 4%
- Total Return: 4%
Manulife (MFC TSX)
- Then: $35.55
- Now: $44.20
- Return: 24%
- Total Return: 29%
Intact Financial (IFC TSX)
- Then: $226.10
- Now: $286.71
- Return: 27%
- Total Return: 29%
Total Return Average: 21%
AMZN NASD | Y | Y | Y |
MCF TSX | Y | Y | Y |
IFC TSX | Y | Y | Y |