(Bloomberg) -- EDF Energy Ltd. tumbled to the bottom of the list of energy suppliers in the UK based on its customer service record, part of an industry-wide trend of dissatisfied consumers.

EDF, one of highest-ranked suppliers last year, was rated worst among its peers for January to March 2024. The duration of its customer calls jumped from just under a minute to over five minutes in less than a year, according to rankings compiled by the charity Citizens Advice.

Overall, customer service standards have still not returned to level seen before the energy crisis, according to the rankings report.

Energy costs have become a top concern for households since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine saw prices spiral. Although consumer bills have declined in recent months, they remain well above 2020 levels and are a key issue for voters in the upcoming election.

Suppliers are often the first point of contact for customers when they look to ease the pressure of higher bills. 

Octopus Energy Ltd. which recently became the top electricity supplier in the UK, also took a beating in the customer service rankings published Tuesday — coming in 10th after having topped the list for the same period last year. Green energy supplier Ecotricity topped the list for the first three months of 2024.

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