(Bloomberg) -- China’s President Xi Jinping sent his condolences to other nations for the first time since the global outbreak of the coronavirus, offering them to three countries -- South Korea, Iran and Italy, the government said in three separate statements.

The three are among the worst hit outside China by the virus that has infected 138,166 worldwide, with deaths topping 5,100, causing major disruption to global travel and the stock market.

China is willing to partner with these countries and provide help, Xi said.

Trump Has No Symptoms, N.Z., Vietnam Restrictions: Virus Update

To contact the reporters on this story: Chunying Zhang in Shanghai at czhang714@bloomberg.net;Douglas Huang in Beijing at khuang203@bloomberg.net

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Shamim Adam at sadam2@bloomberg.net, Linus Chua

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