
Highlights of China CPC Third Plenum’s Resolution on Reforms

(Bloomberg) -- China published the full text on Sunday of the decision on further deepening reform and advancing Chinese modernization, the policies discussed at a plenum held last week by the central committee of the Chinese Communist Party.

  • NOTE: Xi Vows Tax Reform, to Improve Budget in New Economic Blueprint

Private sector

  • China will focus on building a high-level socialist market economy and will let the market play a decisive role in resources allocation
  • Will formulate law about promoting private sector development
  • Will support competent private firms to lead in major technological breakthroughs
  • Will improve policies to support private firms’ financing
  • Will improve the mechanism of determining the price of production factors’ mainly through market supply and demand and prevent improper government intervention in price formation
  • Aims to establish a “highly-effective” management system to protect intellectual property, set up system to protect business secrets
  • Improve policies and governance systems for promoting development of strategic industries such as new-generation information technology, artificial intelligence, aerospace, new energy, new materials, high-end equipment, biomedicine, quantum technology, etc.


  • To speed up establishment of new housing system that promotes renting and purchasing together; Will fully give each city autonomy in regulating real estate market

Government budget

  • Will deepen fiscal and taxation reform and improve budget system
    • China will deepen reform of investment and operations of state capital
    • To fully include incomes obtained through administrative power, government credit and state-owned resources in government budget management
    • Will transfer some non-tax revenue collection to local governments
    • Raise proportion of central fiscal expenditure in government spending
    • Will set up system to monitor, regulate local govt debts

Social policy

  • Steadily push forward reform on gradually postponing retirement age
    • Aims to improve support and incentives to boost births
    • To provide basic social services where people live and ensure eligible workers can access welfare
  • Will regulate income distribution order and mechanism of wealth accumulation
    • Increase urban and rural residents’ incomes from various assets
    • Deepen reforms of salaries of workers at state-owned enterprises, set up reasonable salaries for state-owned firms’ executives
  • Explore rules governing personal bankruptcy

Other policies

  • Will strengthen antitrust work
  • China to encourage development of angel investing, venture capital and private equity investment
  • Improve the mechanism ensuring resilience and security of the industrial supply chain, build an independent and controllable industrial chain and supply chain
  • Improve the mechanism for developing key industrial chains for integrated circuits, medical equipment and advanced materials.
  • Will deepen reform on defense science and technology industry
  • China to deepen reform on Internet management system
    • Improve system on generative artificial intelligence development and management
    • Will set up AI security supervision system
    • China will strive for revolutionary breakthroughs in technology
    • China will improve operations and oversight of major industrial funds
  • Push ahead with national anti-corruption legislation and legislation on controlling cross-border graft
  • In a separate readout of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s explanation on the decisions, Xi stressed importance of national security for Chinese modernization
    • Says China will strengthen coordination for national security work

(Updates with more details on supply chains)

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