(Bloomberg) -- Joe Biden has officially received Secret Service protection, more than four months later than Donald Trump’s detail was assigned in the 2016 election.

A Secret Service spokesperson told Bloomberg News that the agency had begun full protective coverage for Biden after receiving his request.

Biden, whose Secret Service codename as vice president was Celtic in a nod to his Irish roots, first considered requesting protection two weeks ago, after anti-dairy protesters stormed the stage at an event in Los Angeles.

Trump requested Secret Service protection in late October of 2015 and received it on Nov. 5 of that year.

Coming Up

Puerto Rico will hold a Democratic primary on March 29.

Alaska and Hawaii will hold Democratic primaries on April 4, while Wyoming will hold Democratic caucuses.

(Disclaimer: Michael Bloomberg, the founder and majority owner of Bloomberg LP, also sought the Democratic presidential nomination. He endorsed Joe Biden on March 4.)

To contact the reporters on this story: Ryan Teague Beckwith in Washington, D.C. at rbeckwith3@bloomberg.net;Jennifer Epstein in Washington at jepstein32@bloomberg.net

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Wendy Benjaminson at wbenjaminson@bloomberg.net, Max Berley, Larry Liebert

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